🚧 Construction 🚧 is now a reality! 🙌🏻
3 years ago it was decided to remodel and expand our kitchen. A committee took on the task of evaluating the needs. An architect was hired, plans drawn up, permits secured and financing acquired. On April 19 the bid was awarded to Dubois county salvage and construction.
A target date for re opening day is August 27.
Stay tuned as updates are posted!
Spring Shooting Matches
Fall 2020 Celestine Shooting Match Update
We, the officers and the workers at the Celestine Community Club - with the help of our Insurance Company, the Dubois County Health Department, and the State of Indiana - have decided to cancel the first six (6) Wednesday night shooting matches of 2020 (Aug. 26th - Sept. 30th).
As of now, we will be having our first shoot of 2020 on October 7th. And of course, you all know we must abide by all the regulations from the County and State. We will keep all of you informed with any other changes.
We are very sorry for the changes that we are making, but we have to think of the well being of our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and especially our customers. (YOU!)
It took a lot of discussions to cancel these matches because we want to see you there as much as you want to be there.
PLEASE understand our decision and we will try our damnedest to be back on October 7th.
As an additional note, the St. Isidore Parish Shoot to be held on Sunday, October 25th was already canceled by the Parish and will not be held this year.
We will also have the gun raffle drawing we were supposed to have in the spring on October 14th.
We will see you soon
Donnie Lueken, Celestine Community Club President
Studebaker Live at the Celestine Club Year End Dine & Dance Saturday December 28, 2019
Come join us for a great night of live music, dancing and fun at the Celestine Community Club Year End Dine & Dance on Saturday December 28, 2019. Cash bar, food, and great music from the 60's, 70's and 80's... Plus a few surprises! Celestine is excited to have them after their tremendous show at the Club in April, so make plans to enjoy a great night with Studebaker! Hope to see you there and please share this with all of your family and friends. Let's pack the Club!!!